January 30, 2022
 min read

Helping BC businesses move online with the Launch Online grant

  • Looking to move your business online with the Launch Online grant? Brandcamp will help you apply, free of charge, and work with you to create an outstanding, revenue-driving e-commerce website. Contact us for more details.

The COVID-19 pandemic has bit BC small businesses hard. Ongoing restrictions, closures, and health measures have meant huge losses in revenue since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

Thankfully, the government of British Columbia and Alacrity Canada have come together to offer large amounts of grant money to BC businesses looking to move online.

By promoting and supporting the move to e-commerce, the government has given BC businesses a fighting chance to stay afloat while we continue to weather the pandemic. 

Our team at Brandcamp Digital has been working closely with a large group of BC businesses to help them apply for the grant, get their business online, and improve their digital marketing skills overall.

Below, we’ll outline what the Launch Online grant is, who is eligible, and how our team can help you get approved faster.

What is the Launch Online grant?

The Launch Online grant was put together by the government of British Columbia to help small and medium-sized businesses in B.C.. move their business online. The BC government has invested $30 million into this program and applications will remain open until September 30, 2021.

The grant covers 75% of the costs of digital marketing for a company up to $7,500 total. Essentially, a business can spend $10,000 on marketing and get $7,500 back. 

The funds must be used to hire a B.C.-based company to execute digital marketing services.

As well, 30% of funds from the grant are reserved for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour owned businesses and businesses operating outside of the lower mainland and greater Victoria.

The grant can be used for the following services:

What are the requirements?

From the Launch Online website:

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The business is owned by a B.C. resident or residents;
  • The business’s sole or primary operations are located in B.C.

The business:

  • Is currently operating;
  • Is registered in B.C.
  • Employs up to 149 B.C. residents;
  • Pays taxes in B.C.
  • Maintains a Federal business number, GST number, PST and WorkSafeBC number (where applicable)
  • Generated sales of more than $30,000 in the past year (in 2019, or in the year preceding the application)

One of the following applies:

  • Does not currently have an online store or has an online store that has no more than three of the five identified online store features optimized
  1. Customer registration and information security features
  2. Shopping cart and order management capabilities
  3. Payment processing options including application of appropriate taxes and shipping costs at time of ordering
  4. Product catalogue, search and inventory status
  5. Website analytics and reporting capabilities


  • Does not currently have an online booking system or has an online booking system that has no more than three of the five identified online booking features optimized
  1. Customer registration and information security features
  2. Schedule navigation and reservation management capabilities
  3. Payment processing options including application of appropriate taxes at time of ordering, if applicable
  4. Automated replies and reminders
  5. Website analytics and reporting capabilities

How Brandcamp is helping BC businesses secure grant money

Grant writing can be daunting and takes experience and skill. For many businesses, approaching the grant application process can be a confusing and time-consuming process. 

Brandcamp is lucky enough to have close relationships with grant writers and grant professionals across BC. Through these relationships, we’ve helped more than 15 BC businesses apply for the launch online grant, free of charge.

Through our dedicated Launch Online program, we’ve helped guide prospective clients through the grant application process to make their lives easier and give them a higher chance of getting approved.

If you’re interested in applying for the Launch Online grant and receiving up to $7,500 to set up your business online, contact us. We’d love to help you apply, get your funding, and get your business online sooner.

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